Umag is a place in Croatia.
At the moment we unfortunately do not have any ferry lines departing from Umag. However, further below you can find the exact information about the location and amenities available at the ferry port(s) itself.
Umag is a very popular holiday destination visited by a lot of people throughout the year.
The closest airports to Umag are Pula (Airport)
and Trieste (Airport)
and are 83 km and 91 km from the port of Umag respectively.
Umag, Catamaran is located about 69 m from the town centre, which is only
a 1 minute walk.
Hotels or hostels (click here to see available accommodation) can be found near the ferry port.
Ferry Companies in Umag
Currently we do not have any companies operating from Umag, but here you can see some of the ferry companies that offer ferry lines within Croatia and read the reviews that the passengers have left for their departures.